Welcome to
Gresham United
Methodist Church
Some aspects of this website are under construction. Stay tuned for changes.

We are a spiritual community, rooted in the Christian tradition that welcomes everyone. We are intentional about seeking God, living out the example of Jesus and following the inspiration of the Spirit of God.
Gresham UMC is a place of worship, friendship, education, caring and action.
We meet for our weekly worship service at 10 a.m. Sundays
Gresham UMC takes seriously the call to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a passion for people and a commitment to justice. We are committed to personal holiness, individual spiritual formation and growth. We are also committed to the prophetic voice of speaking truth into a world that can be unjust. However, we do not want to stop by simply talking about injustices and needs in our community. We serve the hungry, offer opportunities for music education, free tax services, art and more.
We strive be a 21st century church, active, relevant, listening, responding and caring for all people.
Our mission is to be a teaching church that feeds the hungry, partners with our community and makes disciples of Jesus Christ.
These are not just words. They are the foundation for ministry and learning. We are a teaching Church, committed to an environment of learning and listening, creating an atmosphere of inquiry all leading toward a greater encounter with God. All are welcome to journey with us and bring the easy and the hard questions of life into a spiritual community
that seeks the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
At Gresham United Methodist Church, it is important that all people feel welcomed and loved. As a reconciling congregation, we believe that ALL people are welcome in the family of God and that churches must be safe spaces for people to live deeply into spirituality and explore their faith. Churches have too often been sources of pain for the LGBTQ2SIA community. Our mission is to welcome everyone regardless of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, or wealth and to be a place of healing and acceptance. Please consider a visit and explore the spiritual journey with us.