Learn More About Our Ministries Below or
Contact Us
Submit Your
Prayer Request
You may submit your prayer request through the church email address. Our prayer team will pray for your needs which will be kept in confidence. If you wish for your request to go to the church prayer chain, please add that to your request.
Prayer Team
Tina, Terrie & Sandy
Gresham United Methodist Church has a number of ministries created to reach into the community and to spiritually strengthen the congregation. Some ministries meet monthly, others are seasonal, still others are twice a month.
There are opportunities to volunteer for meal programs or community service projects. We hold classes and offer a variety of study groups to enhance your spiritual life. There are opportunities to knit or be part of a book group.
On this page is a selection of our offerings. Take a moment to explore our ministries and join us on the journey.
ReTell Book Club
Food Ministry
United Women in Faith
Faith Based Fitness
The Little Street Ministry
Bible Studies
Kids Connection
Choir & Bells
Knit One Crochet Two
Solve it Saturday
Let's Do Lunch
Affirmation & Equity
Brews & Bible
Grief Support
Meal Program
Our purpose is to prepare and provide healthy and delicious food to adults and children in need in our community. We prepare several meals a month for the Women’s and Family Shelters as well as conduct various food drives.
Solve-It-Saturday is a men's group that meets on the first Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m.
Men eat breakfast, reflect on a devotional moment and do small jobs around the church.
Music Program
We have a strong choir program led by Solveig Nyberg. Practices are on Wednesday evenings weekly. If you are interested in singing or playing hand bells, contact the office or stop in and talk with Solveig. Our bell choir meets after the second service on Sunday afternoons.
The Little Street Library
Affirmation &
Equality Ministry
Created and run by Mary and Alan Bailey. Distributing Over 900 Children's Book a year. You can help by donating children's books to the office at GUMC.
The Gresham United Methodist Church's Affirmation and Equality Ministry promotes education and awareness of LGBTQ2SIA+ issues while providing a voice and space of healing within the faith community.
ReTell Book Club
Prayer Shawls
Since 2009, a group of Knitters have met monthly to make prayer shawls, hats and scarfs to share with the community. Countless people have been blessed through this ministry. Please join the Knit One, Crochet Too group on the first Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room.
R - Read
E - Enjoy
T - Talk
E - Engage
L - Listen
L - Learn
The Retell Book Club meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 10:00 am.
Contact the church office to learn about our current read!
Women's Fellowship
United Women in Faith, formerly the UMW, host programs and regular meetings. They are an active group that has a number of events. The Women's Fellowship supports many programs worldwide which seek to bring forth social justice, to provide for those in need and to live out the light of Christ in various ways.
Faith Based Fitness
Join us for Fun and Fellowship!
Faith Based Fitness Class
Monday & Thursday
9:30 to 10:15 am
Gresham United Methodist Church
A complete workout for body,
mind and spirit
All fitness levels are welcome!
Questions? contact Diane O'Malley
503-888-6423, 11domalley@gmail.com